Unveiling the Mysteries of Biofeedback Therapy

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Unveiling the Mysteries of Biofeedback Therapy
27 September 2023 0 Comments Felicity Wittman

Peeling Back the Layers: What is Biofeedback Therapy?

Too often, we live our lives on the roller coaster of stress - getting strapped in, clenching our teeth, and preparing for the wildest ride of our life through sleepless nights, anxious mornings, and stressed-out afternoons. Then Stephen showed me another way. Stephen Ross, that is, none other than my patient, infinitely wise spouse. He introduced me to Biofeedback therapy. The procedure quite literally bio- "backs" off from the stress "feed" that seems to be our lifestyle's staple diet.

Allow me to pull the curtains back on this mystery. Biofeedback therapy is a technique that teaches you to control your body’s functions such as your heart rate. It’s a mind-body technique that involves using visual or auditory feedback to gain control over involuntary bodily functions. This may include gaining voluntary control over such things as heart rate, muscle tension, blood flow, pain perception, and blood pressure. Now, I can hear the stressed-out moms out there whispering, "Sign us up!" and I promise, it gets more exciting.

Journey to the Center: How Does Biofeedback Work?

Like a mystical journey to the center of your mind, Biofeedback therapy starts with sensors. Yes, you heard it right - sensors. They are attached to your body and connected to a monitor. Now, don't fancy yourself as Robo-mom (as amusing as it sounds). These sensors just track things like brain waves, skin temperature, muscle tension etc.

Every quirk and frown, grimace and clench we make affects these factors. Thus, we have unintentionally learned to control them. Biofeedback therapy just hones this skill. It's like the therapist gives you a live tour of your physiological happenings. Imagine listening to the symphony that your body conducts every single moment! Talk about living a mindful life, eh?

Unraveling the Applications: Uses of Biofeedback

You know when we Scream-into-the-Pillow or Go-into-the-Zone? Those are all inherently rudimentary kinds of biofeedback. We taught ourselves that releasing tension in a certain way helps us relax. So, in a biofeedback session, when an increase in blood pressure shows on the monitor, the therapist guides you to use relaxation techniques. These techniques bring your levels down, and hey presto - you start learning and seeing how your body responds.

This kind of therapy has been used to relieve a lot of conditions – stress, anxiety, chronic pain, headaches, high blood pressure, and even urinary incontinence. In fact, it proved a lifesaver for my teenage son Everett. Growing up, Everett faced Orthostatic Intolerance, a condition that involves the inability of a person to tolerate physical stress like standing. With Biofeedback sessions, Everett was able to control his heart rate and pulse, improving his condition remarkably. It's amazing what teaching the body to listen to itself can do!

Taking the Reins: Benefits of Biofeedback

What I find irresistibly delightful about Biofeedback therapy is that it doesn't just treat symptoms but aims to let you take control over your wellness. It’s a total boss-level move in the world of stress management. You realize the power of your mind over your body. Which, if you ask me, is a drug-free, less side-effect prone, and a persistent way to deal with health problems.

I even got my little warrior Tessa into it. Tessa, my adorable kiddo, suffered from nightmares. The therapists used biofeedback to help her control her brain's wave patterns during sleep. It toned down her nightmare frequency and intensity. As a mom, it is nothing short of magic to see your kid empowered and in control.

A Spoonful Of Caution: Things to Remember about Biofeedback

Although Biofeedback therapy holds a bounty of benefits, it comes with a sprinkle of caution. Therapies like these are usually adjunct to the primary course of treatment your doctor has prescribed. So, while they are very helpful, they should not replace your medical treatment altogether.

What biofeedback does, instead, is boost the effectiveness of your treatment. It essentially helps you play an active role in enhancing your own health, rather than relying completely on medication. It’s empowering, often enlightening, and especially wonderful for those like me that like to snatch the reins and feel in control.

Taking a look back at the enlightening journey we have taken into the world of biofeedback therapy - dived into its depths, turned it upside down, and given it a good shake, it's clear to see why it has become increasingly popular as an approach to manage stress and other health conditions. I'm hoping that this peek behind the curtain has piqued your interest as it did mine (and Stephen’s!). Picture yourself as a skilled conductor of your physiological symphony... quite exhilarating, isn't it?

Felicity Wittman

Felicity Wittman

An established health and wellness expert, I've dedicated my career to the promotion of healthy lifestyles. As a certified nutritionist and personal trainer, I coach individuals on achieving physical health goals via personalized plans. My passion extends in writing, where I put my knowledge on paper to educate and inspire others towards wellness. Currently, I'm a regular contributor to various health magazines and digital platforms.

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